Recent Projects
Teen Challenge
Since 1971, Teen Challenge QLD has helped thousands of young people overcome addiction, abuse and other life-controlling problems, giving them a second chance at life.
Substance abuse is one of the most prevalent issues facing this generation. It knows no socioeconomic boundaries.
See Rotarians in action
Sunrise Way is located in Toowoomba, on the crest of the Great Dividing Range. Sunrise Way provides drug & alcohol rehabilitation to people 18 years and older who are seeking support for addictive behaviours.
See Rotarians in action
Riding for the Disabled Toowoomba
The Toowoomba Horse Riding for the Disabled Association offers therapeutic riding to people with special needs living in the Toowoomba region. With a ramp in desparate need to repair or replacing, the club offered to build a new ramp that would meet requirements for accreditation.
See Rotarians in action
Yellowbridge QLD
Yellowbridge QLD provides housing, disability support and home services in the Darling Downs and Lockyer Valley regions. Driving this work is their purpose of connecting lives so people in our community can lead independent and meaningful lives. The club was asked to support their work by repainting a large deck area.
See Rotarians in action
Protea Place
Protea Place provides a safe day space for women to access showers, wash and dry clothes, have a meal and be supported by skilled staff and volunteers.
In 2019, the club was approached help with internal rennovations of their building. Part of the rennovations was creating a private outdoor space.
See Rotarians in action
Past Projects
- Needy and struggling families have been assisted via a system of vouchers that are redeemed in local towns thus helping the local economies of the affected areas.
- Along with other Rotary clubs, continuing support for families in the western areas of Rotary District 9630 through a Drought Appeal.
- Ongoing support to Toowoomba Base Hospital through the donation of a blanket warmer and funds. This included a boom lifter to the Renal unit.
- Ongoing support to The Haven through manual labour and liaising with other businesses to provide resources.
- In conjunction with other organisations, assisted in remedial works to organisations affected by the 2011 Toowoomba and Lockyer Valley floods.
- Ongoing support to Toowoomba’s Flexi School which has included working bees to renovate areas and the raising of funds used to employ a councillor.
- Provide assistance helping older Australians attending the St Barts Christmas lunch.
- Assisted Toowoomba Youth Service (new premises)
- Mother’s Day BBQ at Nu Mylo and Nubeena. Assisted by St Saviours Interact.
- Official opening of Murphy's Creek Community centre (about $1 million).
- Barry Mahony and Robertson Scannell have always been strong supporters of RCTE charity golf days. Their associated Charity ‘Count Charitable Foundation’ has also distributed significant funds to our nominated beneficiaries at the golf days. .
- The original shelter shed from 1970’s was demolished a new shed constructed by members in conjunction with Toowoomba City Council
- New disabled access ramp and facilities installed at Regents (Rotary House)
- Supported a well in Zimbabwe via Hon. Member Bruce Armstrong.
- Annual support of the USQ Science and Engineering challenge
- Finalisation of outdoor area at Salvation Army hostel.
- Completion of Laurel Bank Park’s Scented Garden shelter.
- Ongoing support to RFDS by way of cash donations from funds raised during the bi-annual Outback Getaway.
- Samoa and Haiti disaster appeals.
- Indigenous Health Scholarship to Melissa Walker
- Horton Village landscape underway (David
- Continuing support to Australian Rotary Health via cash donations.
- Toowoomba Hospital Foundation, Prostate Cancer
- Clean water project in Zimbabwe
- Two shelter rotundas constructed at Teen Challenge
- Cash donations to projects such as Polio Plus.
- Cash donations to the Victorian Bushfires Appeal
- Completed Gazebos at Teen Challenge and began Horton House Gazebo planning
- Another RAWCS project in PNG at Kiunga.
- Construction of the sound stage at Davidson Arboretum.
- School books sent to Cunnamulla and Charleville.
- Donated a special wheelchair to Multiple Sclerosis.
- Made a significant donation to Interplast team of doctors to go to another country (significant contribution to RC of Archerfield project.
- Donated or facilitated 8 Shelter Boxes following the disaster in Myanmar.
- Working Bees at Hospice, Flexischool and Davidson Arboretum.
- Textbooks to Vanuatu.
- Support to Cerebral Palsy, TOMNET, Flexischool, St Vincent's hospital, Save the Children, Downs Group Training, Goombungee SES, Muscular Dystrophy, Camp Quality, Renal Unit.
- Anniversary of Rotary joint clubs project rotunda in Lake Annand Park.
- RAWCS team to Popondetta supported by Tom Mitchell and John Armstrong.
- Pat Broderick (memorial) scholarship commenced.
- $10,000 to print & provide books for preschool children in Vanuatu
- Funds raised as part of Outback Getaway were donated to Longreach Distance Education Centre, Jericho School P & C, and RFDS, as well as money going to various communities for catering and accommodation.
- Donated furniture to Rangeview Nursing home.
- Donated a motorised scooter to USQ residential college.
- Donated a computer to Fairview Heights Special Unit.
- Donated a disabled lift to The Glennie School
- Legacy Scholarship in memory of John Marsh and Mal Just.
- The Flexi school building started out as a disused Telecom training building. RCTE, with help from Toowoomba City Council relocated the building to Chalk Drive and renovated it.
- assisted Nicole Savage from Oakey to raise the final funds in her appeal for a cochlear implant. Tarata (below) from the highlands of PNG could not be given the gift of walking but he was sent home with new wheelchair and a clean bill of health.
- Provided a replacement wheel chair to MS Society
- Subsidised Cochlear Implant for local girl.
- Donated vital sign monitor and ISTAT machine to Renal Unit
- Worked with St Vincent’s de Paul to send school desks and books to East Timor
- Sponsored 7 students to the Siemens Science Experience
- Purchase of equipment for the Flexischool while based in Bell Street.
- Purchase of electronic wheel chair for Multiple Sclerosis.
- Replacement motor vehicle for Toowoomba Guide Dogs for the Blind.
- Funding of 2 “stair chairs” for the Queensland Ambulance Brigade, Toowoomba.
- Painting of crisis care accommodation for St. Vincent's Community Care
- $5000 funding for Education Kits for national distribution by the Renal Unit.
- Funding of $2000 for Single Parent Training Course for Save The Children.
- Visit and working bee to Donations in Kind
- Purchase of 3 Life Line clothing bins.
- Assisted Toowoomba Access Centre, Cerebral Palsy, Domestic Violence Unit.
- Young Achievers Youth Project sponsored at St Saviour’s.
- Tetanus Booster shots provided at Agshow as a community service.
- Purchased an awning for the dementia unit at Symes Thorpe.
- Talking books to City Library.
- Rotary Careers Expo supported.
- With the grateful support of Armstrong Auto Group, a motor vehicle was donated to Guide Dogs for Blind.
- Assisted Salvos home (Play Gym). Computer to Special Education Unit.
- Over the years four houses were constructed via generous builders and tradesmen to assist RCTE projects.
- Rotary Western Families Appeal – Construction of a house, Steve Davis raised $50,000
- Enlisted the help of the local AMA and Sullivan Nicolaides to collect unwanted medications from Medical Practices in Toowoomba which were delivered to Rotary Donations in Kind in Brisbane, sorted and sent to Solomon Islands. This ran for a number of years until 'bureaucracy' got in the way.
- Toowoomba East continues to be at the fore in support of youth programs, particularly RYLA, RYPEN and Youth
- With funds raised at our Motor Show, financial support for the Rotary Foundation was coupled with the collection and dispatch of suitable school books to the Solomon islands through Donations-in-Kind.
- Great fellowship flowed from the attendance ethos of the Club as we again took out the District Attendance Award at the Conference in addition to the coordination of the home hosting program. Our fishing buddies of Cleveland Club were particularly well cared for.
- By combining the skills and equipment of Skillshare and the Endeavour workshops, aids for arthritis suffers and extra bookstands for our mobile library were produced. The coordination of this project resulted in significant benefits to the individuals and organisations involved as well as providing excellent fellowship for our members.
- Through the Armstrong family at Toowoomba Nissan, we were also able to assist in the purchase of a van for the street work done by Drug Arm as well as a 15 seater minibus for the Haven Association to provide respite care programs.
- At a community level, a second hand site caravan was purchased, renovated and fitted out as a Mobile Emergency Control Centre to assist with Toowoomba’s counter disaster plan.
- Repainting of Hillview units completed – involved other service clubs also.
- Gazebo erected at Nubeena Retirement Village
- Completion of the painting of the Hillside Units: Charleville Flooding—all 6 Toowoomba Clubs helped
- Contributed to the new BBQ Building for Toowoomba Rotary Club at the Showgrounds.
- New Washing machine and Dryer for Daisy House Respite Centre $956
- Pan Pac Games Visually Impaired $500
- Lifeline Bin $500
- Community and Aged Service Red Cross Baby Capsule Hire Service $460.
- Project- The Bob Dodd memorial Lookout at Tobruk Drive overlooking Tabletop. Our Club conceived, Planned and constructed this interesting structure with help from many sources of supply of Material and machinery.
- Visit to Macau--Carol and John visited Macau in March 1990 where they were able to personally present the Club’s Annual contribution of $300 to the Convent School for underprivileged children on the Isla Verde.
- Tree planting on Tobruk Drive
- Donation to Toowoomba Base Hospital
- Built barbeque for Uniting Church Garden Settlement Retirement Village
- Support for orphanage in Macau Bird Seed picking - 300 bags
- Painting of Hillview Community Centre building
- Assisted Salvation Army Red Shield through the provision of drivers and vehicles to transport those doorknocking
- Supported Greening Toowoomba in planting over 100 trees in the Picnic Point area.
- Sponsored a group of visually handicapped children to the Pan –Pacific Games held in Fiji
- Launch of the Lex Graham Mobile Library
- Assisted West Special School and Manuka Respite Care Centre
- Steps provided at Hillview Units
- Combined Gatton and RCTE project – swings for park near weir at Helidon
- Lifeline blanket and rug drive
- Renovation and painting of pensioner homes at “Hillview” took place several times as well as provision of extra facilities. Members and wives assisted as well as other service clubs who assisted with painting.
- Mobile Library concept approved and got under way.
- Formation of Kath Dickson Child Care centre supported.
- The Club provided two way radios to assist the Withcott Bush Fire Brigade
- In partnership with the Toowoomba City Council the Club developed the Scented Gardens for visually impaired people.
- Helped in the renovations of the Legacy Hillview Community Units to provide housing for elderly people.
- Sponsored a weekend to Leslie Dam for disadvantaged Children from Ron Martin House
- Donated two way radios to the Toowoomba Hospital and Toowoomba Ambulance
- Established first Interact Club at St Saviour’s College
- Sponsored the establishment of Queensland’s first Probus Club
- Sponsored outgoing Youth Exchange students (Ongoing)
- Hosted incoming Youth Exchange students (Ongoing)
- Raised funds to provide two respirators to help people suffering from Cystic Fibrosis in Toowoomba
- Organised picnic at Lake Annand for children from Horton House.
- Presented special reading glasses to age care facilities.