Do you want to learn more about Rotary?
New members are very welcome. We have more club projects than our current membership can handle, so our club numbers have to grow to meet these needs. If you are keen to volunteer in a project of your choice and want to have some fun, this is likely to be the club for you. Although we all have the same passion for volunteering, every Rotary club is different. If you would like to become a Rotarian, you might like to visit several clubs before deciding which is the one that is right for you.
What are the commitments?
Our Rotary Club meets weekly for lunch on Thursdays. But, we are flexible. Not all of our members can attend each week.
But, letting the Secretary know if you will, or won’t, be attending is crucial for catering / COVID-19 purposes.
For projects and committees, it’s entirely up to you.
We have many volunteering opportunities. Some members choose to lead specific club projects, others volunteer regularly on a particular project and others are there to jump in when we are short of help for a specific activity. It’s really up to you how involved you wish to become. We advertise volunteer opportunities during weekly club meetings and in our weekly club newsletter that is emailed to all members.
How much does it cost?
The annual membership fee is $300 per member.
Of this, about $240 per member is sent to Rotary International and to our Rotary District for fees and insurance. New members pay a pro-rata membership fee on joining, to cover these fees for the remainder of the current financial year. The remaining funds are used to operate the club. Website hosting etc.
Member funds are never used charitable purposes.
Weekly lunch is $30. This covers the cost of the meal. As a prospective member, your first lunch is on us.
At weekly meetings we often run a Sergeant’s session where members are ‘fined’ for various reasons including having a birthday or wedding anniversary.
We hold a few member events during the year including a Christmas party. Members pay for the meal and the club offers a small subsidy.