Youth Service Projects
While we take up a lot of charity work, we also foster excellence in the generation that is following us. Our Youth Service Projects are where we, as experienced members of the community, encourage young people to develop to their full potential.
We do this by:
Sponsoring local Interact club.
Collaborating with other Rotary Clubs
Collaborating with other organisations
Programs our club supports
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RYDA (Rotary Youth Driver Awareness)
The RYDA program for young adults in years 11 and 12. Run in conjunction with local schools, Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS), Queensland Police Service (QPS), a locak driver training school, and volunteers, RYDA is a one-day road safety education program for the youth of our community. RYDA is all about road safety and is directed to young people at the period in their life when they start driving a car and ride as a passenger in a car driven by one of their peers.
RYPEN (Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment)
This program is a residential camp for young people aged 14 – 16. The goals of RYPEN are to:
- Develop a greater sense of self-awareness
- Appreciate diversity in society
- Realise their own and others’ potential
RYTS (Regional Youth Transition Seminar)
RYTS is a week long residential camp which aims to “empower school graduates for the serious game of life”.Through a series of life skills sessions, RYTS will equip school leavers with the confidence to step out into the real world and embrace the challenges of the workforce, university, managing finances and contests they may encounter transitioning from the comfort of school life to life as an adult.
NYSF (National Youth Science Forum)
This is an Australian program dedicated to exposing students who are heading into year twelve and are thinking about a career in science, engineering and related disciplines to major scientific institutions and re-searchers, so that they may make more informed choices for their future endeavours. They are also given training in time management, interview skills and public speaking.
The Forum is fully residential and takes place in Canberra during January. All activities are fully supervised by student staff and resident Rotary counsellors. The program is extremely intensive, with little time for outside activities except for meeting those people already in the program.
RRAP (Rotary Reading Assistance Progam)
This program provides children aged 3-5 years living in drought affected areas with one reading book per month for as long as funds are available as part of a District initiative funded by a District Grant and donations from Rotary members and/or clubs.
For the Rotary district in which RCTE belongs, the areas looked at initially will be the Rotary communities of Charleville, Roma, St George and Mitchell. The exact delivery approach may vary and may include a combination of regular mail-outs (which would be a delight to the children and families), personal delivery by Rotarians, delivery via child-care centres or kindergartens etc.
RYEP (Rotary Youth Exchange Program)
This program provides an opportunity of a lifetime for Australian high school students to live & study abroad.
As a Rotary Exchange Student they’ll spend up to 12 months living and studying in a foreign country, learning a lot about themselves and the culture of their adopted host families.
Rotary Youth Exchange Australia provides an opportunity of a life-time for Australian high school students to live & study abroad.
Rotary Youth Exchange provides a unique opportunity to experience first-hand the many cultures of a different country and a new way of life.
As ambassadors to their host country they have the chance to make life-long friendships with the families, Rotarians and fellow Exchange students they meet, helping to build goodwill and understanding between countries.
RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award)
This is a week long personal development and lead-ership program sponsored by Rotary and aimed at developing the interpersonal and professional skills of young adults.
An Interact club is Rotary’s service club for teenagers aged 12 to 18. The goal is connecting young people
with communities in their own area and across the world.
Interact clubs are self-governing and are run by students within high schools with support offered by mentor Rotarians. Interact members work collaboratively, set goals and plan community service projects both locally and internationally, developing a network of friendships with local and overseas clubs and learning the importance of:
- Developing leadership skills and personal integrity
- Demonstrating helpfulness and respect for others
- Understanding the value of individual responsibility and hard work
- Advancing international understanding and goodwill.